Full physical inventory counts at the warehouse level are shown to help retailers avoid stockouts, overages and misplaced merchandise, which can be costly in today’s omnichannel world. Datascan’s unique warehouse counting solutions are designed to address these challenges. We combine world-class SOC compliant counting technology, including bin location tracking and reconciliation, with the staffing resources needed to conduct an accurate and efficient count. Depending on your unique needs, we can provide hundreds of additional staff over multiple shifts, with supervision if required and with minimal to no travel costs.


  • Supplemental Staffing & Full-service supervised counts
  • Special projects
  • Wall-to-wall counts
  • Partial counts
  • Datascan’s robust hardware and software technology
  • Visibility into the counting process
  • Reduced travel costs
  • Custom software with bin location tracking and reconciliation
  • Teams of 10-150 counting staff over multiple shifts
  • Flexible scheduling with availability generally within 30 days
  • Experience and expertise with millions of square feet of warehouse merchandise counted in the past year
  • Supplemental staffing and full-service supervised counts

  • Datascan’s robust hardware and software technology

  • Visibility into the counting process

  • Reduced travel costs

  • Custom software with bin location tracking and reconciliation

  • Teams of 10-150 counting staff over multiple shifts

  • Flexible scheduling, with availability generally within 30 days

  • Experience and expertise with millions of square feet of warehouse merchandise counted in the past year
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We can provide teams of 10-150 counting staff, with supervision if desired, over multiple shifts.


Our powerful software gives you visibility into your counts with a SOC compliant and secure platform.


You receive actionable data insights to help you better implement your omnichannel strategy.

Datascan's full-service warehouse capabilities are second to none. We didn't have to worry about the process at all, Datascan came in prepared with supplemental labor for our count, it was a complete success and we didn't have to worry about not having enough people for our count.
500 Store retail chain

Count Your Warehouse With Datascan

Easy-to-use scanners

Place an order to rent our scanners and they will ship the same day

Real-time inventory-tracking software

Connect all of your locations to our best-in-class software

On-the-go mobile app

Monitor your inventory-tracking progress from anywhere

RFID Technology

Improve your inventory accuracy and speed with new RFID tracking

Supplemental staffing

Rely our our staff to support your inventory tracking if needed

Getting Started Is Easy

Connect with our expert team

See how Datascan can make your inventory counts easier. We’ll provide a personalized consultation of the best features for you.

Place Your Order

We’ll help you decide how many scanners you need and send them to you loaded and ready to go. The ordering process is simple so you can spend more time in your store and less time managing inventory.

Start Counting Your inventory

Our powerful scanners come ready to work. With no learning curve, start counting and monitoring your inventory with real-time data.
Get Started today
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